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Why Use Social Media to Grow Your Business?

Being present and active on social media is not an option anymore but essential for the growth of your business. Social media is a powerful medium to spread your message, reach maximum target customers and influence their decisions, so the presence of your business on it is integral.

According to reports, 4.48 billion people use social media across the world. So, if your business isn’t active on social media, you’re missing out on reaching approximately 50% of the world’s population!

What are the other advantages of social media? If you’re curious, keep reading.

How can social media help a business grow?

1.   Build and Enhance Brand Awareness

As per reports, a little more than half of the world’s population uses Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram, social media always helps a brand to reach new target customers. People tend to choose the brands they have seen dominating on social media.

Many Instagram users discover new brands and then buy their products. If you are new in the marketplace, Instagram can be a great platform to explore and attract customers through your posts.

2.   Make Genuine Human Connections

When you promote your brand through social media, you can make real human connections by responding to and connecting via the DM feature. You can also interact with followers in the comments section of your posts and show off how your existing customers love using your products and services.

Social media is the perfect platform to be honest when promoting your brand, build trust among potential customers and drive sales. You can reflect your brand values, product features, and priority toward customer satisfaction.

3.   Spread Your Thoughts and Beliefs

People are increasingly looking for quirky and progressive brands. Social media can always be a great platform to share your brand’s backstory and its personality. It gives you the opportunities to build your brand as a thought leader, regardless of your industry. You can also share detailed information on topics related to your products and services.

LinkedIn, mainly the Linkedin Publishing Platform, is a good platform to build your thought leadership. As you keep sharing your insights and others share your posts, you earn more customers.

4.Stay in Customers’ Minds

Social media users tend to log in to their accounts at least once a day to check the news and feeds. So, you can engage with followers whenever they log in. If your posts are informative and catchy, they can stay in the mind of customers for a long time. Your posts can impress users so much that they buy something from you immediately.

But you don’t need to be 24/7 active on social media. Use a scheduling tool to plan your posts and save your time.

5.Drive Website Traffic

Social media advertisements and posts can always drive traffic to your website. Once you post something to share content from your website/blog on your social media accounts, you can capture maximum users’ attention. You can also use UTM tracking tags to gather data on CTRs.

Social media chats also help you to increase your online visibility, reflect your expertise and drive website traffic. Add a website address to all your business social media profiles so people can learn more about your business by visiting your website.

6.Generate Leads

People can express interest in your establishment’s products and services on social media just with a single click. As lead generation is crucial to growing a business, many social media platforms offer different advertising formats designed to generate leads.

Facebook lead ads can generate more leads at a much lower cost than traditional digital marketing campaigns.

7.Increase Sales

Social media accounts are a vital element of your sales funnel that converts new connections into genuine customers. With the increasing number of social media users, sales tools are evolving.

More people will search for products and do business via social media. Thus, you should align business goals with social media marketing strategies to drive sales.

8.Collaborate With Influencers

Positive reviews and recommendations from friends largely influence customers’ decisions. When people start talking about your business on social media, it builds brand awareness and trust among target customers, which further drives sales.

If you collaborate with influencers, it increases your brand’s online presence. People with millions of followers on social media can attract their attention, which boosts CTRs and conversion rates.

9.Promote Content

Promoting your content on social media platforms helps you increase your informative content’s reach. The more content you promote, the more your audience base increases.

If you post a series of infographics about a report, you can engage more people to learn the same. Ensure to create and follow a proper content marketing plan to get the desired level of engagement in social media.

10.Get More Exposure

When people like, share, and comment on your posts, they get exposed to new audiences. As someone shares your content via their profiles, their followers get to see your content, which can have thousands or millions of likes and shares. Such exposure benefits your business as when a person shares your content on social media, and it acts as a pre-screening for people who get confused seeing excessive content.

If you hit a few swee spots that resonate with your audience, going viral gets easy-peasy with social media. If you are consistently active and post engaging content on social media, your followers will become free word-of-mouth marketers for you!

11.Source Content

You can source content on social media by asking your followers what they want, engaging in social listening, and producing innovative content ideas. You should give people what they want, so they like and share this content.

Run a contest and use hashtags to source UGC you can share. You should involve your followers to create excitement about your brand. You get a library of social media posts to share over time.

12.Manage Online Reputation

Customers talk about you on social media. When you or your social media team are active, you can find the best posts about your brand to highlight the positive things about your business.

If you find customers are saying something bad or wrong about your business, reply to them politely and maintain professionalism. When someone appreciates your business, thank them always.

As a growing brand in today’s times, you just can’t afford to stay off social media. If you are active and leverage social media platforms, you can take your business to its peak. Local Digital Experts’ social marketing solutions help your business to flourish by exposing your brand to new target customers. Our single platform solution can always boost your customer engagement and web traffic. Call us at (02) 4312-4275 to reach out to our experts.

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